- class lsst.meas.extensions.multiprofit.fit_coadd_multiband.CatalogExposurePsfs(*, dataId: ~lsst.daf.butler.dimensions._coordinate.DataCoordinate | dict = <factory>, catalog: ~lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog | None = None, exposure: ~lsst.afw.image._exposure._exposureContinued.Exposure | None = None, id_tract_patch: int = 0, metadata: dict = <factory>, table_psf_fits: ~astropy.table.table.Table = <factory>, channel: = <factory>, config_fit: ~lsst.meas.extensions.multiprofit.fit_coadd_multiband.MultiProFitSourceConfig = <factory>)¶
Input data from lsst pipelines, parsed for MultiProFit.
Attributes Summary
Return the name of the exposure's passband (e.g.
Methods Summary
Return a row-iterable catalog covering an exposure.
(source)Get the PSF model for a given source row.
(source, **kwargs)Get the Observation for a given source row.
Attributes Documentation
- band¶
- calib¶
- channel: Channel = FieldInfo(annotation=Channel, required=True, title="Channel for the image's band")¶
- config_fit: MultiProFitSourceConfig = FieldInfo(annotation=MultiProFitSourceConfig, required=True, title='Config for fitting options')¶
- dataId: DataCoordinate | dict = FieldInfo(annotation=Union[DataCoordinate, dict], required=True, title="A DataCoordinate or dict containing a 'band' item")¶
- metadata: dict = FieldInfo(annotation=dict, required=False, default_factory=dict, title='Arbitrary metadata')¶
- table_psf_fits: Table = FieldInfo(annotation=Table, required=True, title='A table of PSF fit parameters for each source')¶
Methods Documentation
- get_catalog()¶
Return a row-iterable catalog covering an exposure.
- get_psf_model(source)¶
Get the PSF model for a given source row.
- Parameters:
- paramsMapping[str, Any]
A mapping with parameter values for the best-fit PSF model at the centroid of a single source.
- Returns:
- psf_model
A PsfModel object initialized with the best-fit parameters, or None if PSF rebuilding failed for an expected reason (i.e. the input PSF fit table has a flag set).
- psf_model
- get_source_observation(source, **kwargs) ObservationD ¶
Get the Observation for a given source row.
- Parameters:
- sourceMapping[str, Any]
A mapping with any values needed to retrieve an observation for a single source.
- **kwargs
Additional keyword arguments not used during fitting.
- Returns:
- observation
An Observation object with suitable data for fitting parametric models of the source, or None if the observation cannot be fit.
- observation