- class*args, **kwargs)¶
Deprecated since version v28.0: TreecorrConfig is no longer a part of analysis_tools (DM-45899)Please use lsst.meas.algorithms.treecorrUtils.TreecorrConfig instead.
Attributes Summary
The width of the bins in log(separation).
How much slop to allow in the placement of pairs in the bins.
What type of binning should be used? (
, default'Log'
)The maximum separation in units of sep_units, if relevant.
Which metric to use for distance measurements.
The minimum separation in units of sep_units, if relevant.
How many bins to use.
How many patches to split the catalog into for the purpose of jackknife variance or other options that involve running via patches (boostrap, marked_boostrap etc.) (
, default1
)How many bootstrap samples to use for the 'bootstrap' and 'marked_bootstrap' var methods.
The precision to use for the output values.
Value to seed the treecorr random number generator with.
The units to use for the separation values, given as a string.
Which method to use for estimating the variance (
, default'shot'
)Attributes Documentation
- bin_size¶
The width of the bins in log(separation). Exactly three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If bin_size is not given, it will be calculated from the values of the other three. (
, defaultNone
- bin_slop¶
How much slop to allow in the placement of pairs in the bins. If bin_slop = 1, then the bin into which a particular pair is placed may be incorrect by at most 1.0 bin widths. If None, use a bin_slop that gives a maximum error of 10% on any bin, which has been found to yield good results for most applications. (
, defaultNone
- bin_type¶
What type of binning should be used? (
, default'Log'
)Allowed values:
Logarithmic binning in the distance. The bin steps will be uniform in log(r) from log(min_sep) .. log(max_sep).
Linear binning in the distance. The bin steps will be uniform in r from min_sep .. max_sep.
2-dimensional binning from x = (-max_sep .. max_sep) and y = (-max_sep .. max_sep). The bin steps will be uniform in both x and y. (i.e. linear in x,y)
Field is optional
- max_sep¶
The maximum separation in units of sep_units, if relevant. Exactly three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If max_sep is not given, it will be calculated from the values of the other three. (
, defaultNone
- metric¶
Which metric to use for distance measurements. For details, see (
, default'Euclidean'
)Allowed values:
straight-line Euclidean distance between two points
the perpendicular component of the distance, following the definitions in Fisher et al, 1994 (MNRAS, 267, 927)
the perpendicular component of the distance using the definition of Rperp from TreeCorr v3.x.
Distance from the first object (taken to be a lens) to the line connecting Earth and the second object (taken to be a lensed source).
the true great circle distance for spherical coordinates.
, but with periodic boundaries.'None'
Field is optional
- min_sep¶
The minimum separation in units of sep_units, if relevant. Exactly three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If min_sep is not given, it will be calculated from the values of the other three. (
, defaultNone
- nbins¶
How many bins to use. (Exactly three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If nbins is not given, it will be calculated from the values of the other three, rounding up to the next highest integer. In this case, bin_size will be readjusted to account for this rounding up. (
, defaultNone
- npatch¶
How many patches to split the catalog into for the purpose of jackknife variance or other options that involve running via patches (boostrap, marked_boostrap etc.) (
, default1
- num_bootstrap¶
How many bootstrap samples to use for the ‘bootstrap’ and ‘marked_bootstrap’ var methods. (
, default500
- precision¶
The precision to use for the output values. This specifies how many digits to write. (
, default4
- rng_seed¶
Value to seed the treecorr random number generator with. Used to generate patches. (
, default13579
- sep_units¶
The units to use for the separation values, given as a string. This includes both min_sep and max_sep above, as well as the units of the output distance values. (
, defaultNone
)Allowed values:
Field is optional